How Well Do You Know These Nautical Terms?

What Is A Boatswain?

Retry Correct Incorrect A boatswain is a non-commissioned officer who is responsible for all sorts of things, including making sure that everyone is doing his or her job. Boatswains also keep the ship in working order.
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Photo Credit: Getty Images

What Is A Boatswain?

  • The second in command on a ship who is in charge of maintaining the ship’s rudder.
  • A non-commissioned officer responsible for the sails, ropes, rigging and boats on a ship and issues commands to seamen.
  • When the boat leans too far to one side and all of the people on board have to run to the other side to balance it out.
  • A sailor who is ordered to “swab the deck” whenever important company is expected onboard the ship.

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