Eerily Accurate Sorting Hat Quiz Determines Once And For All Which Hogwarts House You Belong In

You noticed you were undercharged after leaving a pub, what do you do?

Two hands passing American cash to one another
Retry Correct Incorrect A true Hufflepuff would follow the rules in nearly every single situation, especially if the alternative is breaking the law. Slytherins in comparison are always thrilled to have a little luck on their side.
Photo Credit: Karolina Grabowska / Pexels
Photo Credit: Karolina Grabowska / Pexels

You noticed you were undercharged after leaving a pub, what do you do?

  • Go back right away to pay
  • Let them know the next time I go back
  • It was just a few bucks so it’s not a big deal
  • Forget about it, lucky day

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